Don't Forget The Happy Happy Things...
An update for the week & a little sneak peek into my life. Last week was really enjoyable. Went for Zolz's advanced birthday celebration on Saturday. Girl is having her advanced birthday celebration cause she'll be going overseas soon. It was awesome meeting the people whom I haven't met in a long time ever since graduation. The last time I saw them was in school. Hahaha. It's been too long. I even met people whom I've never talked to my entire 3 years at school, but it wasn't very much awkwardness. And the happiest thing is that, I got to see Zolz's niece. She's a really adorable and friendly girl, it's such a pity I didn't get to take a picture with her. (She loves the color pink, just like me.) I simply can't resist cute kids. With the birthday girl Zolz! She's wearing this galaxy asymmetrical dress and it looked so good on her. This is a really really grainy picture (taken by Shar on her I-phone front camera) of ...