Love Is Like Snow ❅
I've been tumblr-ing a lot nowadays because I have finally some free time~ Yay!!! Mid terms just ended on Sunday and I couldn't be more happy because I studied and I actually know the answers to most questions. Although it's just MCQ but still, it's worth 30% so it got me quite stressed up. Omma got back from her BKK trip with daddy! She bought me lots of stuff- bags, socks, skirts, tops, belts. On top of that, she specially travelled to JJ Mall to get me my whitening soap and she also got me some of my favourite Wrigley's sugar free mints. ♥ So much love from her. And what's even better is... I can fit into everything she bought me! Even omma was so surprised, she didn't think I could fit in all of that. So in the end, everything became mine! Heh heh heh. Only a mother would know her daughter best. ♥ I went for my hair appointment last week to tidy my hair~ Now it looks straighter and softer! I didn't planned to straighten by hair bu...