Goodbye Fats! I'm bidding you farewell.

It's April now, almost one third of the year is gone. It's finally time to review my progress of my losing weight plans! I've blogged a few entries about losing weight but it's been ages since I updated. You can find it here and here.

My weight lost plans started in May 2012. I weighed 94kg back then and I'm currently at 74kg now. (I'm not at my ideal weight yet, so I'm still working hard on it.) I've lost a total of 20kg in almost a year and I think it's a painfully slow process. But, to me, losing that 20kg of fats is the best gift I can ever give to myself.

I've been fat all my 20 years of life and I never did anything to make myself better. In other words, I gave up on myself. That wasn't the worse, back in the days when I had severe acne all over my skin I felt ugly and depressed because I was blessed  with the fat and super bad skin combination. I even told myself that if anyone were to date me then that must be true love. I practically gave up on myself and just eat whatever I want. Haha. Yeah, that was how self-destructive I was.

(Now, when I look back I know that thinking and mindset at that time was all wrong! Nobody should ever do that to yourself, because you're putting yourself into some shit-hole that nobody can pull you out unless you help yourself.) 

After getting help for my skin with expensive drugs, facials and skincare. My confidence level boosted a little. I felt consoled by the fact that compared to other girls my age I know how to make myself look prettier with make-up. I still wasn't very concerned with my body size because Dorothy Perkins, ASOS and sometimes Marks & Spencer were the place to get fashionable plus sized clothings. So I wasn't worried and thought to myself that it's okay to be fat because nobody will judge me and I still believed in the true love theory back then. (what bullshit?! Haha.)

(Nah, that's not true. People always judge other people and there is no way you can stop that. Also, there will always be some people who would be so insensitive to make a crude joke about your body size. The worse I've heard was during secondary school, 2 boys were sniggering behind me when I walked past, they made fun of me saying that I resembled a sumo wrestler.) 

Last May, was kinda life changing for me because I felt that I've reached a stagnant in my life. I've been trying to become better by dressing up or using makeup to enhance my looks. I suddenly felt that wasn't enough for me.
The thought of losing weight has never crossed my mind before in the past. So I thought, I must change my body size because I might look and feel even BETTER than before! That is the only way that I can fit into clothes that always looked good on the mannequin but never on me and also, I could have more places and choices to shop for.
That was my motivation that got me all hyped about losing weight.

So, I managed to climb out of the negative shit-hole and picked up myself once again and stopped believing in the true love bullshit and told myself that I can do it and I must do it.

I started by setting goals, and then visualise the 'skinny' me being so happy to be able to fit into a whole lot more of pretty clothes and how good I'd look. Of course, being super obsessed with the whole "lose weight" plan.
That was when I truly wanted to feel skinny in my life, for once.

Losing weight is never easy. It's a really long process and to achieve the goal, you'll have to sacrifice time for exercising and even your favourite food. For me, I quitted eating unhealthy food & snacks and I also cut down on carbs for my diet. Of course, diet alone is never enough you'll have to quit being a couch potato and start moving and burn those fats!

Here is a timeline of myself starting 2010 to 2012...

and these are recent photos of me... 

It's a long journey but when you see results and receive compliments for your hardwork, IT'S ALL GONNA BE WORTH IT. You can trust me on that. :)

Oh yes, today is my birthday! Happy 21st to me!

And lastly, I hope this inspires you. Let's shake those fats off  and aim to be even more beautiful that you are now!


  1. I wish you luck on your weightloss journey!! :) You can do it, just make healthy eating and exercising a habit and you'll reach your goal in no time! ^.^ GL!

    1. THANK YOU! :D
      I hope to achieve my ultimate goal soon!

  2. This is a real inspiration to me! I've been fat my ENTIRE LIFE too and It's gotten out of hand lately with depression. Let's do it together! LOL It's funny though. My goal weight is what your starting weight is. Good luck and GOOD JOB!

    1. Hey hello there! :>
      I'm so glad to be able to inspire you! Just like me, I've been fat ever since my teenage years. Puberty ruined me! Haha.
      Oh, I hope you're doing better now. I believe that you can do it!

      Do update me on your weight loss journey too. :D

      Clarie C.

  3. You did a great job!! i really admire your determination!

    Actually i think you're already looking cute now! =D
    but i can imagine how you look when u slimmed down! and you're going to be very pretty cause your features are all very nice!

    ganbatte ne!!

    1. OMG! This is such an honour coming from a pretty girl like you. Haha. THANK YOU for your kind words and you just motivated me to work harder! Thank you again! <3

      Clarie C.

  4. HOLY SHIT. Q Q You're so cute, seriously! With or WITHOUT weight, you hav such pretty features and you always dressed like a star! I seriously admire you. I'm currently trying to lose weight as well, maybe at least like twenty pounds, but it's so hard! Ahhh!

    1. Thank you for being so sweet!
      Good luck in losing weight my love. It's gonna be difficult but it's gonna be worth it! Haha.
      I'll do a post about my diet soon, stay tune to my blog if you're interested~ :>

      Clarie C.

  5. Wow! You're looking great now! And I really admired your determination! I've been trying to shade off my fats but I always got demotivated.

    1. Thank you so much for the comment! :D Don't be discouraged, keep pressing on.


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